class | Analyzer |
| A parse tree analyzer. More...
class | DFAState |
| An automaton state.
class | GrammaticaRE |
| The Grammatica built-in regular expression handler.
class | LookAheadSet |
| A token look-ahead set.
class | NFACharRangeTransition |
| A character range match transition.
class | NFACharTransition |
| A single character match transition.
class | NFADigitTransition |
| The digit character set transition.
class | NFADotTransition |
| The dot ('.
class | NFAEpsilonTransition |
| The special epsilon transition.
class | NFAMatcher |
| A token pattern matcher using a NFA for both string and regular expression tokens.
class | NFANonDigitTransition |
| The non-digit character set transition.
class | NFANonWhitespaceTransition |
| The non-whitespace character set transition.
class | NFANonWordTransition |
| The non-word character set transition.
class | NFAState |
| An NFA state.
class | NFAStateQueue |
| An NFA state queue.
class | NFATransition |
| An NFA state transition.
class | NFAWhitespaceTransition |
| The whitespace character set transition.
class | NFAWordTransition |
| The word character set transition.
class | Node |
| An abstract parse tree node. More...
class | ParseException |
| A parse exception. More...
class | Parser |
| A base parser class. More...
class | ParserCreationException |
| A parser creation exception. More...
class | ParserLogException |
| A parser log exception. More...
class | Production |
| A production node. More...
class | ProductionPattern |
| A production pattern. More...
class | ProductionPatternAlternative |
| A production pattern alternative. More...
class | ProductionPatternElement |
| A production pattern element. More...
class | ReaderBuffer |
| A character buffer that automatically reads from an input source stream when needed. More...
class | RecursiveDescentParser |
| A recursive descent parser. More...
class | RegExpMatcher |
| A token pattern matcher for complex regular expressions.
class | REHandler |
| The regular expression handler base class.
class | StringDFAMatcher |
| A token pattern matcher using a DFA for string tokens.
class | SystemRE |
| The .NET system regular expression handler.
class | Token |
| A token node. More...
class | Tokenizer |
| A character stream tokenizer. More...
class | TokenMatch |
| The token match status.
class | TokenMatcher |
| A token pattern matcher.
class | TokenNFA |
| A non-deterministic finite state automaton (NFA) for matching tokens.
class | TokenPattern |
| A token pattern. More...
class | TokenRegExpParser |
| A regular expression parser.
class | TokenStringDFA |
| A deterministic finite state automaton for matching exact strings.
class | TransitionTree |
| An automaton state transition tree.